
January 29, 2015

Kool Kids

Remember those moments when you're stuck in Chemistry class, desperately trying to understand topics on elements, bonds and chemical reactions thinking, "When am I ever going to use these difficult lessons in real life?" Well, had they told me I could make ice cream using liquid nitrogen, I probably would have paid more attention in class.

Ice cream is already a well-loved treat among many, but making it using liquid nitrogen just makes it so much cooler (and I don't just mean temperature-wise). Kool Kids Ice Cream and Co. serves up just that -- unique and delicious ice cream flavors that are set apart from the rest because of how it's made.

When you order, they make your ice cream right in front you. Aside from it being entertaining to watch, it also ensures your order's freshness and quality. They put some of their liquid ice cream into a mixer, then add liquid nitrogen to it which produces thick white smoke (similar to dry ice), making the process into a show! I was so amazed I literally blurted out, "Cooooool!' while watching it. In a matter of seconds, the mixture freezes and transforms into a rich, thick ice cream.

I had the Nana & Ella (how cute is that name) which is a combination of Banana, Nutella, Cinnamon and Wafers. You also get free toppings, and I decided to have some almonds and cereal on mine for some crunch. Even though it's made with liquid nitrogen, it doesn't really differ much from a regular ice cream texture-wise. Normally, I'm not a choco-banana girl, but I loved this concoction. The fruity banana goes well with the sweet nutella, and the hint of cinnamon adds a layer of sophistication to the flavor. It's rich and decadent without being too sweet. It's so good I finished this as fast as the liquid nitrogen froze it!

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