
February 14, 2014

Cup of Tea: Twinings Four Red Fruits Tea

I’ve been watching a lot of make-up gurus on Youtube lately and I was surprised to find out that a lot of them seem to be so obsessed with tea. It made me think, “What was it about this drink that made them love it so much?”

I drink tea occasionally but most of the time it would just be the classic green tea whenever I feel like I’ve had a little too much to eat. What I didn’t realize though, was how many flavors and varieties of tea there were! From fruity to dessert teas, every tea bag seemed to be a whole new drinking experience. Let’s just say after trying a few flavors, I’m just as obsessed with the drink as them. I am so into tea right now that I’m starting a new series (I know, another series. I just really like keeping my blog organized) called Cup of Tea where I’ll be sharing with you teas that I love. 

Buying your own tea and making them at home also saves you a ton of money. Imagine. One box of tea can have as much as 25 tea bags for around P230. If you go to a cafe and order tea, a cup can easily go for P100. Now, you do the math.

Anyway, to start things off, I want to talk about the one that started my whole love affair with tea – Twinings Four Red Fruits Tea. It’s black tea flavored with strawberry, cherry, red currant, and raspberry. How good does that sound? It’s fruity with a little bit of tartness from the berries. It's also a bit sweet because of the cherry being the dominant flavor. It’s so aromatic that whenever I bring a cup to my room, my whole room smells like the tea in minutes. It’s like drinking tea and burning a delicious smelling candle all in one go! It’s just so delicious, and a good flavor to try as an introduction to the world of tea or a new flavor discovery for someone who's already a tea lover.

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