
July 14, 2014

Den in the Kitchen: Strawberry Mango Iced Tea

I've talked about many times in my blog entries that I don't drink powdered iced teas and juices anymore because simply put, sugar is just bad for you. However, that doesn't mean that I don't crave for a refreshing iced tea drink once in a while. My solution has been making my own iced tea at home from tea bags! It's easy to make, cheaper and a lot healthier than iced teas they usually serve in restaurants!

All you'll need are some fruit-flavored tea bags, honey, hot water and some ice.

My favorite kind of tea to use for my homemade iced tea is Twinings Strawberry & Mango because I love how fruity and tart is it. You can try other tea flavors but based from my experience, some teas that taste good hot don't always make for great iced tea so just try and experiment with other flavors until you find ones that you like. This Strawberry and Mango tea though, is full-proof.

First, all you have to do is steep your tea. Whenever I make iced tea, I always use two tea bags because I find that the ice waters down the flavor if you only use one. 

Next, add some honey depending on how sweet you want your tea to be. Since we're using honey, it's healthier than ordinary sugar. Just like with the tea, I add a little bit more honey than my usual sweetness preference because the ice will water down the sweetness.

After mixing in your honey, just let your tea cool down (I like putting mine in the fridge for faster cooling time) and pour over ice in your favorite glass (or in my case, mason jar). Then, serve and enjoy your refreshing drink!

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